Ph.D. level graduate research assistants in machine learning and NLP
The machine learning and natural language processing lab at Kno.e.sis center in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Wright State University is recruiting highly motivated Ph.D. students working on three projects: (1) semi-supervised structured prediction, (2) large scale distributed language modeling and (3) direct loss minimization for classification problems, that are funded by NSF, AFOSR and Google. The students are expected to have strong (a) programming skills (past projects are evidence), and (b) analytical skills (knowledge in algorithms, optimization and statistics is essential). Please contact Dr. Shaojun Wang (http://knoesis.wright.edu/faculty/swang/) at shaojun.wang@wright.edu to know the detail. Please visit http://knoesis.wright.edu and http://knoesis.wright.edu/aboutus/press/Flyer.pdf to know Kno.e.sis center.