The Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing lab at the Kno.e.sis
Center in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Wright State
University is recruiting two, or more, highly motivated Ph.D. students to work on
three projects: (1) Large Scale Distributed Language Modeling, (2) Semisupervised
Structured Prediction, and (3) Direct Loss Minimization for
Classification and Ranking Problems, that are funded by NSF, AFOSR and Google.
The students are expected to have strong a) programming skills (past/current
projects can serve as evidence), and b) analytical skills (knowledge in algorithms,
optimization and statistics is essential). The research team currently consists of one
faculty - Dr. Shaojun Wang (http://knoesis.wright.edu/faculty/swang/) and 4 Ph.D.
students. They work together, have face-to-face in-depth discussions on a topic on
a regular basis, and target publishing both technically strong and empirically solid
papers at top machine learning and natural language processing conferences such
as ICML, NIPS and ACL and journals such as Journal of Machine Learning
Research and Computational Linguistics. Students have the opportunity to work as
summer interns at IBM, Google, Microsoft, and others in their 3rd year after they
enter the Ph.D. program. In the long run, Ph.D. students are expected to do
independent research after graduation.
Please contact Dr. Shaojun Wang at shaojun.wang@wright.edu for details.
Also, please visit http://knoesis.wright.edu to learn more about the Kno.e.sis
Center, the Ohio Center of Excellence in Knowledge-enabled Computing at Wright
State University.