这里补充几本机器翻译方面的书籍,尤其值得关注的是统计机器翻译领军人物Philipp Koehn的《Statistical Machine Translation》,将在09年8月31号出版,目前在Amazon可以预定。
19、 自然语言机器翻译新论
a) 作者:冯志伟
b) ISBN:9787800067440
c) 页数:259
d) 定价:39.0
e) 出版社:语文出版社
f) 出版年:2004
g) 简介:本书是一本关于机器翻译的专著,着重讲述近年来国内外机器翻译研究中的新情况、新理论、新方法。全书共分十章,主要内容有:机器翻译的新发展,国外的机器翻译系统、我国的机器翻译研究、机器翻译与现代语言学理论、机器翻译与逻辑、语言的自动分析和生成技术、自然语言的复杂特征描述与运算、形态分析器和结构分析生成器、词汇转换器和形态生成器、机器翻译的工程化。书中对于广义短语结构语法、词汇功能语法、功能合一语法、中心语驱动的短语结构语法、孟德斯鸠语法、定子句语法等最新的语言学理论,都作了详细的介绍。本书内容丰富、观点新颖、深入浅出、通俗易懂,可供从事语言学、计算机科学、数学、逻辑学、人工智能、知识工程、计算语言学的高等学校师生和科研工作者阅读,也可以作为计算语言学的机器翻译初学者的入门书。本书写作时充分地考虑到跨学科读者的需要,只要具备高中以上文化水平的文科和理科的读者,都不难理解本书的内容。
20、 汉英机器翻译若干关键技术研究
a) 作者:刘群
b) ISBN:9787302183587
c) 页数:153
d) 定价:32.0
e) 出版社:清华大学出版社
f) 出版年:2008
g) 简介:本书是作者所在的课题组近年来在汉英机器翻译研究方面所取得进展的一个阶段性总结。内容涉及汉英机器翻译的各个主要方面及关键技术,包括对目前国际上机器翻译研究进展的综述,汉语词法分析技术、汉语句法分析技术、汉语词汇语义相似度计算、汉英双语语料库的词语对齐、语料库的结构对齐、基于结构对齐语料库的翻译模板抽取、多引擎机器翻译方法等多方面的研究成果。
21、 Statistical Machine Translation
a) 作者:Philipp Koehn
b) ISBN:978-0521874151
c) 页数:488
d) 定价:$ 60.00
e) 出版社:Cambridge University Press
f) 出版年:2009(注:本书已于09年春天完稿,8月31日正式出版)
g) 简介:This introductory text to statistical machine translation (SMT) provides all of the theories and methods needed to build a statistical machine translator, such as Google, or any other search engine on the web. In general, statistical techniques allow automatic translation systems to be built quickly for any language-pair using only translated texts and generic software. With increasing globalization, statistical machine translation will be central to communication and commerce. Based on courses and tutorials, and classroom-tested globally, it is ideal for instruction or self-study, for advanced undergraduates and graduate students in computer science and/or computational linguistics, and researchers in natural language processing. The companion website provides open-source corpora and tool-kits.
22、 Machine Translation
a) 作者:Yorick Wilks
b) 副标题:Its Scope and Limits
c) ISBN:978-0387727738
d) 页数:254
e) 定价:$129.00
f) 出版社:Springer
g) 出版年:2008
h) 简介:Machine Translation (MT) is both an engineering technology and a measure of all things to do with languages and computers—whenever a new theory of language or linguistics is offered, an important criteria for its success is whether or not it will improve machine translation. This book presents a history of machine translation (MT) from the point of view of a major writer and innovator in the subject. It describes and contrasts a range of approaches to the challenges and problems of this remarkable technology by means of a combination of historic papers along with commentaries to update their significance, both at the time of their writing and now. This volume chronicles the evolution of conflicting approaches to MT towards a somewhat skeptical consensus on future progress. Also included is a discussion of the most recent developments in the field and prospects for the future, which have been much changed by the arrival of the World Wide Web.
52nlp 回复:
29 12 月, 2012 at 22:41