这是无意在COLING 2010主页底下发现的一句主题语,觉得写得很有意思,就作为这篇文章的副标题了。COLING是ACL之外另一个自然语言处理与计算语言学界的顶级会议,全称国际计算语言学大会(International Conference on Computational Linguistics),每两年举办一次,第23届COLING会议将于2010年8月23日~27日在中国北京举行,由中文信息学会承办,以下是COLING 2010年征文全文,有兴趣的读者可以提前关注一下。

             COLING 2010

The 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics

  COLING 2010, the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics, is being organized by the Chinese Information Processing Society of China (CIPS) and will be held in Beijing, China on August 23-27th, 2010 under the auspices of the International Committee on Computational Linguistics (ICCL) . We look forward to welcoming you to Beijing, the cultural, educational, and political capital of China, and the proud host of the 2008 Olympics.
  COLING will cover a broad spectrum of technical areas related to natural language and computation. The conference will include full papers, oral presentations, poster presentations, demonstrations, tutorials, and workshops. We invite the submission of papers on original and unpublished research on all aspects of computational linguistics. More details will be available closer to the April 19, 2010 submission deadline.
• Important Dates:
 Apr 19, 2010 Full paper submissions due (Main conference)
 May 28, 2010 Acceptance notification of main conference
 May 30, 2010 Submission deadline for workshop papers
 Jun 30, 2010 Acceptance notification of workshop papers
 Jul 2, 2010 Camera-ready full papers due (Main conference)
 Jul 10, 2010 Camera-ready full papers due (Workshops)
 Aug 21-22, 2010 Pre-COLING(Collocating conferences/workshops)
 Aug 23-27, 2010 COLING 2010 Main Conference
 Aug 28, 2010 Post-COLING (one-day workshops)
• Topics of interest:
Topics include, but are not limited to:
 Syntax, semantics, grammar, and the lexicon
 Lexical semantics and ontologies
 Phonology/morphology, word segmentation, and tagging
 Language generation
 Paraphrasing and textual entailment
 Parsing and chunking
 Spoken language processing, understanding and speech-to-speech translation
 Linguistic, psychological and mathematical models of language
 Computational pragmatics
 Dialogue and conversational agents
 Computational models of discourse
 Information retrieval
 Question answering
 Word sense disambiguation
 Information extraction and text mining
 Semantic role labeling
 Sentiment analysis and opinion mining
 Corpus-based modeling of language
 Machine translation and translation aids
 Multilingual processing
 Multimodal systems and representations
 Statistical and machine learning methods
 Corpus development and language resources
 Evaluation methods and user studies

COLING 2010主页见:http://www.coling-2010.org/



作者 52nlp

《COLING 2010前瞻——规则与统计共舞,语言随计算齐飞》有9条评论
  1. 我参加的会议很少,且会议级别相对较底,人数也少,免费旁听是没问题的!不过COLING这样的顶极国际会议,到时候人会很多,想蹭的更多,估计会采取一定的免费措施,譬如提前报名、限制人数之类了!所以多多关注,呵呵!


  2. 规则与统计共舞,语言随计算齐飞 这个副标题我咋没看到喱?难道改掉了?不过这句话说的真好,你翻译的更漂亮啊


    cyzhang.hit 回复:



    52nlp 回复:



  3. 注册是对主办方的尊重,不过,如果经费有限,免费听报告肯定是受欢迎的.


    52nlp 回复:



  4. 应该欢迎大家免费蹭会。哈哈。人也应该多不到哪去。


    52nlp 回复:




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