本文转自水木社区的自然语言处理版,给出的是ACL09 Full Paper中各自然语言处理及计算语言学各研究领域论文的录用情况,包括投稿数、录用数及录用率。
ACL09 acceptance rates by areas
Areas Sub Accepted Rate
POS tagging and chunking,
Word Segmentation 31 8 26%
Syntax and Parsing 49 14 29%
Semantics 67 14 21%
Discourse, Dialogue
and Pragmatics 43 9 21%
Summarization and Generation 44 8 18%
Statistical and
Machine Learning Methods 40 6 15%
Machine Translation 82 23 28%
Information Retrieval 28 4 14%
Information Extraction 49 10 20%
Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Mining
and Text Classification 45 7 16%
Spoken Language Processing 19 6 32%
Question Answering 25 3 12%
Text mining and NLP Applications 21 4 19%
Language Resource 26 4 15%
Total 569 120 21%