abcNLP Readme



AB-Natural Chinese Languange Processing, The movement of C makes it ab-natural.

Thanks to censorship of internet, people oftern meet trouble to express themselves freely. Usually the SYSTEM will filter contents by (keywords) pattern matching. If we can make the language hard understood to SYSTEM, but not to human, we make the expression “Immune 2 Censorship” (at least, to some extent)!


  • develop: CJKLIB, sqlite3
  • use: sqlite3


  • for example :
   abc = abcChineseChar()    
   for word in abc.getHxWords(u'茉莉花',  maxnum=5):
       print word
  • output:

(~ use tempory db, need to refine ~)

  • for example :
  • output :
    • ouput of 锦
   abc = abcChineseChar()    
   for char in abc.getHxCharacters(u'锦'):
       print char
  • ouput of 陈水扁:
   abc = abcChineseChar()    
   for word in abc.getHxWords(u'陈水扁',  maxnum=15):
       print word

(~ use db version 1 ~)

Develope / Design

Methods to Immune 2 Censorship

Semantical Substitutes

Metaphor related methods. Thi is not used in this project.

Use variants of the Character

The variant of a character is alao a valid character. It can be seen as another shape (form) of original one. But some of forms are rare used nowdays.

 㒲 --> 財 
 㒲 --> 才 
 㒲 --> 财 
 㒲 --> 纔 
 㒷 --> 興 
 㒷 --> 兴 
 㓁 --> 网 
 㓁 --> 網 
 㓁 --> 罔

Use Character with same reading(Pinyin)

In the following list, value in brackets is score for the replacement. More small, more better.

 㐲 --> dài (0) * Pinyin is a special type
 㐲 --> 大 (3)
 㐲 --> 代 (5)
 㐲 --> 黱 (22)
 㐳 --> wù (0)
 㐳 --> 兀 (3)
 㐳 --> 乌 (4)
 㐳 --> 鼿 (17)

Split Character to two or three parts

After split character, each of its part can be further replaced with its similar character, which has ending mark of “1” in the following list.

 川 --> <丿丨丨> 0
 巧 --> <工丂> 0
 垛 --> <土朶> 1
 垜 --> <土朵> 1
 ⽻ --> <習習> 1
 ⾽ --> <镸三> 1
 䜌 --> <⺯讠⺯> 1
 丬 --> <氷丨> 1
 乢 --> <山隠> 1
 乣 --> <庅乚> 1
 乨 --> <枱乚> 1
 乩 --> <佔乚> 1
 ⽻ --> <习习> 0
 ⾽ --> <镸彡> 0
 丬 --> <冫丨> 0
 乢 --> <山乚> 0
 乣 --> <幺乚> 0
 乨 --> <台乚> 0
 乩 --> <占乚> 0
 亿 --> <亻乙> 0
 什 --> <亻十> 0
 仁 --> <亻二> 0
 亿 --> <人乙> 1
 什 --> <人十> 1
 仁 --> <人二> 1
 仂 --> <人力> 1
 仃 --> <人丁> 1
 仅 --> <人又> 1
 仆 --> <人卜> 1
 仇 --> <人九> 1

Choose a character looks like the origion. ( AI ?)

The score smaller is the better.

 ⺡ --> ⺍ (1)
 ⺡ --> 乊 (3)
 ⺡ --> 丬 (3)
 ⺡ --> 习 (4)
 ⺡ --> 乥 (8)
 ⺆ --> ⼌ (2)
 ⺆ --> ⼓ (3)
 ⺆ --> ⼏ (4)
 ⺆ --> 九 (4)
 丨 --> ⼁ (0)
 丨 --> ⼃ (2)
 丨 --> 丿 (2)
 丨 --> ⼅ (2)

This is the most important part of the project. After the module is refined, more examples will be added.

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作者 qingshi


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