课程主页: https://www.coursera.org/learn/diseno-experiencia-servicios
在当今这个沟通迅速发展的时代,许多服务内容似乎无法恰如其分地聆听顾客的深层需求。同时,中心化设计服务的理念也并非成为行业普遍的实践。那么,如何使顾客摆在服务改进的中心,并有效聆听他们的声音?在Coursera上,我发现了一门非常精彩的课程——服务设计(Diseño de Experiencia en Servicios)。
1. **引言 与 服务体验**
In this module, we focus on the aims of this course, introduce various services and unlock the trends of ‘servitization’. You’ll learn about the economy of experiences by examining several exemplary service enterprises.
2. **设计元素**
We will delve into the concepts surrounding the design and management of experiences. Expectations and perceptions play vital roles, and we’ll analyze what these experiences look like and understand the physical contexts necessary for those experiences.
3. **背景与认知**
This module examines the challenges brought about by relational contexts and how they can influence cognition. Understanding this systemic process is beneficial for businesses looking to enhance service elements correctly contextualized.
4. **实践:实施**
We will discuss the details of how to modify cognition concerning services. Applied practices concisely wrap up a comprehensive synthesis of all topics approached.
课程主页: https://www.coursera.org/learn/diseno-experiencia-servicios