
日期: 09/06/2012 21:04:35


本来核心系统的开发最难,最耗时间 ,结果在真实生活中,工程架构、存贮和搞定content这些纯技术性操作性环节往往也会成为时间瓶颈,怪也不怪。


I did a test on comparing Google and Baidu for side-by-side view of likes, dislikes, net sentiments, sources, etc.

They make sense, even with such limited data.

So to summarize the different opinions of these two search giants from social media in Chinese:

1. Google's net sentiment is very high, around 70 while Baidu's net sentiment is only 35: 谷歌社会评价度高出百度整整一倍!

2. most striking likes for Google are Cooperative, Innovation, Updated, Optimized and Robust. The likes for Baidu are optimized, updated, and new.

The dislikes of Google are Monopoly, abandoning Android, cannot open it (that is in fact not a problem of Google, it is Chinese Great Wall's problem). The dislikes of Baidu are unstable, drop, and misleading.

There are also a few obvious bugs too, like "very easy" misclassified as dislikes.


作者 liwei999


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