作者: 立委 (*)
日期: 07/27/2012 12:58:29


最近跨语言(英、法、意、西、日、汉)的实验表明,在对目标进行评判的语句中,人发表情绪性判断(如 棒/糟极了,爱/恨死了,非常满 意/讨厌)比起提供客观性描述(如 便宜/昂贵,节能/耗能,易用/难用)要多出一倍以上,尽管情绪性词汇总量只是客观性描述词汇总量的一半不到。

以上数据来自社会媒体的跨语言自动调查,语言的差异并不太大。虽然是初步结果,但调查量大(每个语言测试了约三十万语句),应该还是大体反映了语言(进而 human nature)的一个侧面。

Just some initial statistics found in the ball park from our experimentation of using default rules across languages: although the subjective quality default rule is only trigged by good/love/happy (or bad/hate/annoyed) emotional words which are a smaller subset than objective quality trigger words (cheap/expensive, high/low resolution, long/short battery-life etc.), the sentences captured by the subjective default rule doubles the sentences from applying the objective default rule.  This shows, perhaps, that human beings are very emotional creatures, so emotional that they judge twice as often as they provide simple objective evidence to justify their judgments.


作者 liwei999


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